How to use AI for Writing with a Personal Touch



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Do you ever read AI content and cringe? It can be overly flattering, too stylistic, and repetitive, which makes it easy to detect. Nothing that people would actually want to read.

But what if I told you there are strategies to use AI for writing engaging and impactful content?

how to ai for writing content

I’ll show you a simple framework you must try to get AI content that has your audience wanting more. Think of it like giving your content a makeover – less robot, more human.

Ready to keep your readers hooked and never second-guessing if a machine wrote it?

What are AI writing tools?

An AI writing tool is basically a Large Language Model (LLM) that creates text using machine learning techniques. Take ChatGPT as an example: it’s a type of chatbot that responds to your input in a conversational way, almost like you’re talking to a real person. You can think of it as a highly sophisticated autocomplete, but one that can write entire articles, marketing copy, or emails for you.

These tools are very powerful but don’t rely on AI always giving the correct answer:

  • The accuracy of its responses heavily depends on the quality of the data the AI got trained on. If the data is biased, outdated, or incorrect, the AI’s responses will likely reflect those flaws.
  • AI text generators work on probabilities. It doesn’t provide a definitively “correct” answer but rather the most likely answer based on the patterns it has learned from its training data. This means there’s always a chance that their response might not be entirely accurate.

Choosing the Right AI Writing Tool for Your Needs

The market is flooded with AI writing tools, each with its unique features and capabilities. When selecting a tool, consider factors such as ease of use, the range of features offered, and your budget. Some popular options include ChatGPT, Claude, and Jasper. To help with your choice, check out the best AI writing tools.

Benefits of using AI for Writing

The benefits of writing with AI

Good content is everything to stand out online, but writing to engage your audience is hard work, and takes tones of time. This where AI writing tools become the breakthrough you’re looking for. Here’s how AI can assist you with content creation:

  • Efficiency: AI writing tools are time-savers. AI can draft an article in the time it takes us to brew a coffee, massively boosting productivity. This saves time to focus on the strategic and decision-making parts only a human can handle.
  • Research: The most crucial part of any writing task is research. AI Chatbots with internet access can give you valuable insights into current trends and target market needs.
  • Consistency: Keeping the same tone and style across different content can be tough. AI tools can stick to your style guidelines, making sure everything you write sounds like it comes from the same voice.
  • SEO Optimization: Getting noticed online is all about SEO, and AI tools are great at this. They help ensure your content ticks all the SEO boxes, from keywords to meta descriptions, helping your content climb those search engine ranks.
  • Quality: Ever missed a grammar mistake? AI tools are great at catching those and can tidy up sentence structures and vocabulary. They’re convenient for those who aren’t native English speakers, helping to level the playing field in writing quality.
  • Scalability: Need to produce a lot of content? AI tools let you scale up your efforts, like directing the content creation for your website, social media, or newsletter.
  • Creativity: Stuck for ideas? AI can help. These tools are great for sparking creativity, offering ideas, and getting over those writing blocks.
  • Cost Effectiveness: By cutting down on the need for big writing teams, AI tools can save you money and make your content creation process more streamlined and efficient.
  • Personalization: AI is shaping the future of custom content. These tools can tailor your writing, like ads or sales letters, to precisely what your audience likes, making your content more impactful and relevant.

Use Cases of AI for Writing

Understanding the benefits is one thing, but how are these AI writing tools being used? Let me show you some examples that demonstrate the use cases of AI in writing.

  • Brainstorming and Prototyping: Brainstorming with AI is a smart way to turn your ideas into reality. You can quickly build on your concept and test it, giving you fast feedback and insights. Additionally, AI can ensure your project aligns with your goals, speeding up the creation process.
  • Content Marketing: Content marketers are leveraging AI writing tools to create engaging and SEO-optimized articles, blog posts, and social media content. These tools help generate ideas and write the first draft.
  • Email Marketing: The more customer data you have available, the better can AI personalize your email content. This leads to higher engagement since you can closely tailor your message to each individual customer.
  • Customer Support: AI writing tools are great for customer support teams that have to handle many queries. These tools can generate quick and consistent responses, improving customer satisfaction.
  • Academic Writing: Students and researchers are using AI writing tools for proofreading, citation management, and even for generating outlines of their academic papers. Google Bard provides the source of its answers, making it a great research assistant for academic writing.
  • Job Applications: Employers filter resumes based on specific keywords. Job seekers can use AI writing tools to optimize their CVs for industry-specific keywords, increasing their chances of passing through automated screenings.
  • Content Repurposing: AI writing tools can transform existing content into different formats. For example, a well-performing blog post can be repurposed into a video script or a tweet, maximizing the utility of the content.

How to use AI for Writing Content

how to write ai content

Content creation is changing fast because of AI writing tools. And this isn’t just a passing trend; these tools force us to rethink how we write, edit, and publish content.

And there is huge potential for AI to enhance the quality of your content. Whether you’re starting as a blogger, working as a copywriter, or just looking to improve your social media posts, these tools offer incredible advantages. They can inspire ideas, speed up your writing process, and help with SEO, taking your content to professional levels.

But most people use it the wrong way.

I’ll show you my AI writing workflow the best practices to get content that stands out.

How to write AI prompts for undetectable content

Ready to write your first AI-assisted content? Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Define Skillset: Clearly define what you expect from the AI. Assign a role and identify specific skills or traits that the AI should focus on for better performance.
  2. Set Target Audience: Give your AI writing tool a detailed description of your target audience. This makes the output more personalized and directed to the people you actually want to reach.
  3. Establish Rules: Set parameters for the AI’s responses, including the tone, style, and readability. Remember, if unsatisfied with the chatbots writing, you can always adjust these rules to improve the output in another iteration. For better output, instruct the AI to use simple language, avoid overly stylistic or flattering sentences without purpose and vary it’s sentence structure like a real person.
  4. Clarify Objective: What’s the purpose of your content?  Sharing your objective helps the chatbot create content aligned to your goals. This could include creating SEO-optimized content with specific keywords or to engage or inform your audience. What action should your reader take? Maybe you want your reader to subscribe to your social media, book a call, or sign up for your newsletter. Clearly stating your goals saves time and makes your content more effective.
  5. Provide Context: The more information you provide on the topic, the better the AIs‘ performance will be. Think of it as each word pulling the chatbot closer to the most relevant and accurate response it can provide. Suppose your AI writing tool has internet access, such as ChatGPT, then ask it to use Bing Web Browsing to gather additional information, making the content more accurate and up-to-date.
  6. Give Task: At last, break down the steps the AI should follow to complete the task. Have the chatbot think about the task step-by-step and create an outline for your content. Most AI writing tools struggle to generate long-form content in one go, so creating an outline is crucial. Now you can instruct the AI to write in parts, but you want one cohesive article. This method greatly increases the word-count and detail of your content.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to use the power of AI effectively for your content creation needs.

Check out the best custom GPTs for content creation to start writing better with AI.

How to Personalize your AI Content

edit and refine ai generated content

AI is smart, but let’s face it—it’s not perfect. As incredible as AI writing tools are, they lack the emotional intelligence and nuanced understanding that only a human can provide.

Here’s where you come in. Your role is to steer the AI-generated content in a direction that resonates with your audience. Optimize your AI text by adding humor, sarcasm, or empathy. Breathe life into your article by providing your personal perspective, experiences, and emotions.

In the next section, I will show you how to transform AI generated text into engaging content in 5 easy steps.  

The C.R.A.F.T. Framework for Editing AI Content

The C.R.A.F.T Framework by Julia McCoy is a simple and effective way to create high-quality AI content that engages your readers.

C: Cut the Fluff

AI-generated content can sometimes be repetitive. The first step in the C.R.A.F.T. framework is to cut the fluff. Eliminate unnecessary words and trim lengthy paragraphs to make your content more concise and impactful.

R: Review, Edit, & Optimize

The second step involves a thorough review of the content. This is where you ensure that the structure flows logically, the grammar is impeccable, and the content is optimized for SEO.

A: Add Images, Visuals, and Media

Creating images for your content significantly enhances its impact. You can even use AI-generated images, like in this article, to break up text and add some additional context. Learn more at making AI art to stand out.

F: Fact and Plagiarism Check  

As mentioned earlier, AI can sometimes produce factually inaccurate information. Always verify the information in your article. To ensure the content created by AI is original, you can try Grammarly’s Plagiarism Checker.

T: Trust-Build with Personal Story, Tone, & Links

The final step is to build trust with your audience. Adding personal experiences, a consistent tone, and credible external links can go a long way in establishing you as an authority in your field.


While AI writing tools offer remarkable capabilities, they are tools to be guided.

By understanding and applying the best practices—from choosing the right AI, to using the right framework for editing, you can elevate AI-generated content to new heights.

Remember, the key lies in blending AI’s efficiency with your unique human touch, ensuring your content is not only well-structured but also resonates deeply with your readers.

Now that you can unlock the full potential of AI for writing, have fun creating!